There is no scheduled weekly retreats like some meditation centres since this Vihara caters mainly to the resident community of monks and nuns, as well as those training to be monks and nuns.
Anyone wishing to come to stay and follow the daily schedule of meditation, work, and Dhamma-Vinaya study, are welcome to contact the Vihara for permission.
Monastics intending to reside in the Vihara, but are unknown to the Vihara’s Sangha are required to bring a letter of recommendation on their conduct, and also a duly completed Application to Reside form (Click here for blank form).
Those intending to apply to ordain as temporary samanera are required to submit a duly completed Application to Ordain as Temporary Samanera form. Minimum duration of a temporary samanera is one month, and minimum age is fifteen (Click here for blank form).
Intending residents should arrive between 8 am – 1 pm. Otherwise, the gate may not be opened.